Anti Counterfeiting Case Studies
Analysis of Pagaria S6060 DVB
The piracy scenario is ever evolving. Pirate content is now readily accessible, particularly with plug and play devices capable of streaming content to the big screen. This paper throws light on a famous anti counterfeiting case studies – Pagaria S6060, a USB Wi-Fi enabled DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting) set-top box.
ROI on Digital Content Protection
We carried out content protection for 200+ songs over 6 months and addressed over 100k pirate content. As a result of the exercise, the visibility of official/legal platforms increased significantly on search engines. We prepared a framework to estimate the monetization gain through digital content protection exercise.
Securing streaming of Live Sports
With recent advances in live streaming technology and the introduction of new OTT sports viewing options such as subscription video-on-demand (SVOD) packages, sports fans are moving from traditional broadcast to online streaming services. Piracy of live OTT sports broadcasts has proliferated with rising global demand for streaming.