Consumer Goods

Anti Counterfeiting Consumer Goods | IP Protection | MarkScan

Anti Counterfeiting Consumer Goods


Our present day solution for protection of intellectual property rights of consumer goods’ brand owners is an extension of the oldest service vertical at MarkScan.

The services listed below, originally offered for physical marketplaces, are now also available for their online counterparts:

Anti Counterfeiting Consumer Goods | IP Protection | MarkScan

Market Sueveys

A detailed survey is conducted on the retailers in the marketplaces to gather information about a particular market. It gives comprehensive information on the presence of the product in the area and the extent of infringement in the market.

The objective of the survey is to assess the presence of the said product across all shops present in the market. Apart from the assessment, basic info is collected about the suspect shops. This might include the business card of the store, publicity material, rate charts, etc.

Supply Chain Research

Supply chain research typically follows a bottom-top approach to identify the key elements of a the supply chain of a suspicious product. A comprehensive study is carried out on manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors and retailers to identify:

Once the key factors have been identified, our analysts connect the dots to draw out conclusions that highlight the supply chain and its functionality and to estimate the extent of piracy.

Retail Research

Retail research is similar to supply chain research in all other factors except that it focuses totally on retail points and hence, the results majorly focus on market penetration of counterfeit/infringing goods.

Detailed Investigation:

Detailed investigation is conducted on the basis of the findings of the market research. In a detailed investigation, the investigators deep dive into the various elements identified during the research. (e.g. retailers, wholesalers, etc.). Typically, an investigation is focused around the following key characteristics of the subject:

  • Profile
  • History
  • Extent of counterfeiting/ infringement
  • Evidence Collection

This form of investigation is generally used to build a comprehensive fact base that can be used to decide the further course of action.

Case Study

MarkScan works with global clients, across online & offline marketplaces, to protect their intellectual property rights. Our experts provide the best Anti Counterfeiting Consumer goods solutions